06 Mar 2010
All the following commands are entered on the server. Normally this would be having logged into your normal LTSP desktop and opened a terminal session, but it could equally be from an ssh session to the server. The key thing is that you do not run these commands from a client shell, as the client system is read-only.
22 Feb 2010
I have run through these notes again and corrected the odd mistake and they do seem to work. At least until something changes!!
I have not yet got the init.d script working, but am able to successfully start adempiere and reach the login page.
I need to review the postgresql security settings as “trust” for all is probably unsafe.
15 Feb 2010
LTSP website recommends 256mb for the core system plus 50mb per user:
Total RAM = 256mb + (25 users x 50mb)
= 1506mb
However Edubuntu recommends a different formula:
Total RAM = 150mb x 25 users
= 3750mb
We recommend you choose the greater of the two, and double-it if you can (see update below).
01 Feb 2010
I have been told that installing package virtualbox-ose-dkms
solves all these problems. I have installed and it reported that my modules were up-to-date, which is promising. I shall try and remember to update this page later, but I thought I’d write this now in case I forget!!
Solving VirtualBox Mismatch
15 Jan 2010
Yes once again I come to complete my tax return, last time it was a far from successful experience.
Given that that page is now a year old and my next year’s return is required, I thought it was an opportune time to update it. Unfortunately nothing much has changed, the list of personal tax applications has shrunk, as TaxCalc’s market domination continues. The only Linux-compatible competitor seems to still be ftax and it requires Acrobat Reader, which isn’t available for 64-bit Linux.
21 Nov 2009
# unopkg add --shared sun-pdfimport.oxt
For further information please visit:
- http://api.openoffice.org/docs/DevelopersGuide/Extensions/Extensions.xhtml
20 Nov 2009
I managed to install the Honda menu-pricing SMR2000 program on Wine:
- Installed winetricks
- winetricks: fakeie, vb6run, mdac25, mdac28, jet40, vcrun6, wsh56, allfonts, riched30, mdac27, native_mdac, native_oldaut32, gecko
- Installed Adobe Reader 8.1.2 from Intranet Downloads
- Accepted Adobe licence via “wine regedit”,
HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Adobe/Acrobat Reader/8.0/AdobeViewer
, add a DWORD “EULA” = “1”
- Installed SMR2000
- Updated SMR2000 by running update self-extracting zip files
18 Nov 2009
Scanning with LTSP 5 in Debian Etch or Lenny
At the time of writing these instructions worked for Etch, but have not been completed for Lenny.
This is a description for a scanner physically connected to a terminal (not to the server).
16 Oct 2009
Turns out this is as simple as:
$ sudo -i
# apt-get install nagios3
# cd /etc/nagios3
# htpasswd -c htpasswd.users nagiosadmin
Then point your browser at http://localhost/nagios3/.
15 Oct 2009
Apparently Firefox uses sqlite for its databases, maintaining several *.sqlite
files in your .mozilla/
profile directory. Over time these become cluttered and it helps if you vacuum it: