LTSP | Install X11VNC on LTSP5

This is how I installed x11vnc on our Debian Lenny LTSP5 server, these are my notes, nothing more. Use at your peril!

Installing x11vnc

Enter the chroot

$ sudo chroot /opt/ltsp/i386

And update the repositories that the ltsp environment uses for apt-get:

# apt-get update
# apt-get install x11vnc

Create start-up script

Still in the chroot, edit /etc/init.d/x11vnc and copy in the following script:


# Provides:x11vnc
# Required-Start:$remote_fs $syslog
# Required-Stop:$remote_fs $syslog
# Default-Start:2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop:0 1 6
# Short-Description:Start X11VNC
# Description:Start VNC server X11VNC at boot

case "$1" in
                sleep 6
                XAUTH=`find /var/run/ldm-xauth* -type f`
                logger -f /var/log/x11vnc "Starting with $XAUTH"
                start-stop-daemon --start --oknodo --pidfile /var/run/ --background --nicelevel 15 --make-pidfile --exec /usr/bin/x11vnc -- -display :7 -loop -passwdfile /etc/x11vncpassword -nossl -logfile /var/log/x11vnc -auth $XAUTH
                logger -f /var/log/x11vnc "Stopping"
                start-stop-daemon --stop --oknodo --pidfile /var/run/
                logger -f /var/log/x11vnc "Restarting"
                $0 stop
                $0 start
                PID=`cat /var/run/`
                RUNNING=`ps h --ppid $PID`
                if [ "$RUNNING" == "" ]; then
                        logger -f /var/log/x11vnc "No process matching /var/run/"
                        echo "No process matching /var/run/"
                        $0 restart
                        logger -f /var/log/x11vnc "Process matching /var/run/ exists"
                        echo "Process matching /var/run/ exists - no action taken"
                echo "Usage: $0 start|stop|restart|condrestart"
                exit 1

exit 0

Finalise start-up script

Still in the chroot, make the script executable and link it into /etc/rc2.d:

# chmod 755 /etc/init.d/x11vnc
# update-rc.d x11vnc defaults
# ls -al /etc/rc2.d/*x11vnc

Set x11vnc password

Finally, create the /etc/x11vncpassword file with the password you want to use to connect to your thin clients:

# echo "thepassword" > /etc/x11vncpassword
# chmod 400 /etc/x11vncpassword
# chown root:root /etc/x11vncpassword

Replace “thepassword” with your chosen password.

Alternative Method

The issue with the above method is that if you user does not reboot their client after logging off, then x11vnc does not restart. An alternative, remove the above symlink from /etc/rc2.d/S99x11vnc and instead use an ldm start up script by adding the following two scripts:

# /opt/ltsp/i386/usr/share/ldm/rc.d/I99-x11vnc
# LDM Script to start x11vnc

XAUTH=`find /var/run/ldm-xauth* -type f`
start-stop-daemon --start --oknodo --pidfile /var/run/ --background --nicelevel 15 --make-pidfile --exec /usr/bin/x11vnc -- -display :7 -loop -passwdfile /etc/x11vncpassword -nossl -logfile /var/log/x11vnc -auth $XAUTH

The “I” in I99-x11vnc denotes that this will be run after X and before LDM, which is perfect for VNC.

# /opt/ltsp/i386/usr/share/ldm/rc.d/X99-x11vnc
# LDM Script to stop x11vnc

start-stop-daemon --stop --oknodo --pidfile /var/run/

The “X” denotes that this script will be run upon logout, so this is closing down the x11vnc server, ready to restart with LDM.

This method will still not cope with X being terminated with ctrl+alt+backspace, in which scenario you can ssh onto the client and run /etc/init.d/x11vnc condrestart - you could also add this in as a local app to be accessible from the server desktop.


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