Crontab Header

Very early on in my Linux life, I came across this suggested header for crontab and I’ve used it ever since. So much so that I am always slightly thrown when I come across a crontab without it! No, you don’t need it, yes the standard commented header works just fine, but, if like me you prefer things neatly lined up, then this might suit you:

#   _________________________ 2. Minute - Minutes after the hour (0-59)
#  |
#  |      ______________________ 2. Hour - 24-hour format (0-23).
#  |     |
#  |     |      ___________________ 3. Day - Day of the month (1-31)
#  |     |     |
#  |     |     |      ________________ 4. Month - Month of the year (1-12)
#  |     |     |     |
#  |     |     |     |     ______________5. Weekday - Day of the week. (0-6, 0 indicates Sunday)
#  |     |     |     |    |

And if you recognise this as your’s, then thank you!

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