21 Mar 2009
This is how I recovered data from an NTFS partitioned hard disk, I am not a recovery expert, and it would irresponsible of me to recommend that you follow these instructions.
Boot in Ubuntu Live CD
- Boot onto a live CD
- Configure networking
- Uncomment repositories in
21 Mar 2009
Configuring your display
If the display resolution is VGA, the run:
$ dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
When configuring XORG, do ensure that the maximum resolution is as you want it, as this will be the default resolution for every boot.
21 Mar 2009
Apparently Rootkits are a major problem in the linux world. Unlike viruses, you are much more likely to be infected without realising that you even have a problem. The purpose of this document is twofold:
- Check for existing infection
- Protect against future infection
If you are unsure what a Rootkit is, then please read the Rootkit Wikipedia page before continuing.
21 Mar 2009
The Issue
Most image viewers only show the first page of a multi-page TIFF
. The KDE document viewers, of which there are many (KView, KFax, KDVI) will not open them, stating “This version can only handle fax files”.
21 Mar 2009
Step 1: Create a web
This is not an ISPConfig tutorial, so it is supposed that you know how to do this.
Use the ISPConfig web interface. Probably sensible to make the site a maximum size.
21 Mar 2009
Ensure you install the same version as wine. For me that meant installing as follows:
$ sudo apt-get install -t 'etch-backports' libwine-sane
21 Mar 2009
If you are looking for a full Samba LDAP installation, please look elsewhere, this is a simple set-up to access files from an existing Windows or Samba server.
# apt-get install smbfs smbclient
21 Mar 2009
This document is certainly incomplete and possible inaccurate, please proceed with caution:
Install Cups Print System
This also installs printer libraries, printing for GIMP, additional fonts etc.
21 Mar 2009
I am not going to reinvent the wheel - the following link is excellent:
21 Mar 2009
Quick Installation
Should be able to install simply by:
# apt-get install msttcorefonts
# dpkg-reconfigure --force msttcorefonts