Howto | Recover Data from a Hard Disk

This is how I recovered data from an NTFS partitioned hard disk, I am not a recovery expert, and it would irresponsible of me to recommend that you follow these instructions.

Boot in Ubuntu Live CD

  • Boot onto a live CD
  • Configure networking
  • Uncomment repositories in /etc/apt/sources.list

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Howto | Reconfigure Display Settings

Configuring your display

If the display resolution is VGA, the run:

$ dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg

When configuring XORG, do ensure that the maximum resolution is as you want it, as this will be the default resolution for every boot.

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Howto | Protect against rootkits

Apparently Rootkits are a major problem in the linux world. Unlike viruses, you are much more likely to be infected without realising that you even have a problem. The purpose of this document is twofold:

  1. Check for existing infection
  2. Protect against future infection

If you are unsure what a Rootkit is, then please read the Rootkit Wikipedia page before continuing.

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Howto | Open Multipage TIFFs in KDE

The Issue

Most image viewers only show the first page of a multi-page TIFF. The KDE document viewers, of which there are many (KView, KFax, KDVI) will not open them, stating “This version can only handle fax files”.

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Howto | Install WebDAV on ISPConfig

Step 1: Create a web

This is not an ISPConfig tutorial, so it is supposed that you know how to do this.

Use the ISPConfig web interface. Probably sensible to make the site a maximum size.

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Howto | Install Scanning in Wine

Ensure you install the same version as wine. For me that meant installing as follows:

$ sudo apt-get install -t 'etch-backports' libwine-sane

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Howto | Install Samba to Access Windows Shares

If you are looking for a full Samba LDAP installation, please look elsewhere, this is a simple set-up to access files from an existing Windows or Samba server.


# apt-get install smbfs smbclient

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Howto | Install Print System

This document is certainly incomplete and possible inaccurate, please proceed with caution:

Install Cups Print System

This also installs printer libraries, printing for GIMP, additional fonts etc.

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Howto | Install NTP time server or client

I am not going to reinvent the wheel - the following link is excellent:

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Howto | Install Microsoft Fonts

Quick Installation

Should be able to install simply by:

# apt-get install msttcorefonts
# dpkg-reconfigure --force msttcorefonts

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