01 May 2014
Our built-in De-Dietrich microwave over has been broken for weeks.
Initially the door catch had broken, but a replacement catch DIY-fitted
had not fixed the problem.
De-Dietrich’s service agent wanted £195 to come out and fix the oven - a
ludicrous price for a 13 year old microwave. Other appliance repair
centres would either not repair microwave ovens at all, or particularly
excluded De-Dietrich.
24 Mar 2014
I have long been a keen user of pdftk, the PDF Toolkit, but am
frequently surprised when people have not heard of it. True, it is a
command line tool, but it is easy to incorporate into service menus,
scripts etc and doubtless there is a GUI front-end for it somewhere (in
fact there is one linked to from the above page).
18 Mar 2014
Anyone who has enjoyed the dubious benefits of working with IPSEC will
find OpenVPN a delight, but what do you
do with your client.ovpn file once you have it?
If you spend most of your time in a terminal anyway, then I would
suggest just putting all your client.ovpn files into ~/.openvpn
renaming them in some appropriate way, and then using them simply by
14 Jan 2014
Oh Vodafone, please explain to me,
how a business based on technology,
can be so bad at web-based stuff?
Really, downloading a bill should not be so tough!
04 Jan 2014
Very early on in my Linux life, I came across this suggested header for
crontab and I’ve used it ever since. So much so that I am always
slightly thrown when I come across a crontab without it! No, you don’t
need it, yes the standard commented header works just fine, but, if like
me you prefer things neatly lined up, then this might suit you:
02 Jan 2014
Occasionally users are unable to connect to our FreeNX server, they
report an error “Startup Session Failed”. Clicking on “Detail” shows
that it is unable to find the server session file.
Searching for solutions suggested a number of options, including
removing the server /tmp/.X1\*\*\*-lock
files, or simply removing FreeNX
and installing NoMachine’s NXServer instead.
27 Nov 2013
Whilst the world seems to be moving email to “The Cloud”, rightly or
wrongly I remain reluctant to give up the control of our own mailserver.
For over ten years now we have been using a combination of the following
open source applications:
- Postfix MTA with Amavis + Spamassassin
- Dovecot IMAP server
- OpenLDAP
18 Nov 2013
Having created an sshfs mount in /etc/fstab
, I was frustrated that it
would mount okay, but unmounting always resulted in an error “mount
disagrees with the fstab”. The following solution worked for me:
14 Nov 2013
The power switch remains a momentary petty irritation, but the poor
quality keyboard and intrusive trackpad are harder to live with. The
wireless is pretty poor, but it generally connects fine and rarely
actually causes me any problems.
But the Novatech n1410 remains a good-looking, lightweight laptop with a
great battery life, and highly portable. And it was undeniably great value.
28 Sep 2013
I thought that this Linux Terminal Command
Reference from
the Mint community was excellent. Having learned them piecemeal over
many years, I was almost resentful to see them all listed together.
Linux shouldn’t be easy, it should be knowledge painfully acquired
through years of humiliation on IRC channels and mailing lists!